Jinsheng Xiao

Jinsheng Xiao
Jinsheng XIAO: 1983 B.S. and 1999 Ph.D. in Engineering Thermophysics, Tsinghua University, China; 1986 M.S. in Marine Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, China. Assistant (1986-1989), Lecturer (1989-1992) and Associate Professor (1992-1996) in School of Marine Engineering, and Professor in School of Power and Environmental Engineering (1996-2000), School of Energy and Power Engineering (2000-2004) and School of Automotive Engineering (2004-present), Wuhan University of Technology, China. Visiting Professor (2008-present) in Hydrogen Research Institute, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres, Canada. Special Government Allowance by State Council of China in 1994, Excellent Young Teacher Award in 1995 and Excellent Young Scientist Award in 1997 by Hubei Province Government. Current research on simulation and optimization of hydrogen storage/purification and fuel cell system, and solar thermoelectric-photovoltaic hybrid generation system.