Martin Désilets

Martin Désilets
Built on 9 years of experience as an industrial researcher at Alcan International Ltd and on 17 years in academia (7 yrs in mechanical engineering at Université de Sherbrooke (UdS) and 10 yrs in chemical and biotechnological engineering at UdS), the expertise of Pr. Martin Désilets covers mainly 2 domains: 1- thermal diagnostic and simulation of electrochemical reactors and 2- development of reduced models for process control purposes. His recent contributions in the numerical simulation of electrochemical systems helped to understand transport phenomena inside various engineering applications like aluminium reduction process, alumino-thermal reduction of niobium oxide, electro-reduction of CO2, production of metallic lithium or lithium ion batteries. His management experience with technological transfer is regularly used to help his R&D partners to design and optimize their production facilities.